The Trustee Ministry manages the material possessions and oversee the financial matters of the church according to God’s design for handling the resources. God provides for the church; to enable the execution of God's mission through stewardship and individual Spiritual gifts and to provide direction, leadership, facilities, processes, capability and capacity to help further God's kingdom building work based on the scriptures.
The Five-Fold Purpose is to:
Prepare policies and procedures for the financial administration of the church.
Serve as liaisons to church auxiliaries and boards at AGCI.
Provide assistance with budget preparation, monitoring and applicable amendments.
Assist auxiliaries with expenditure requests, for Church ministries and events.
Invest Church funds and manage applicable bank accounts and investments account for and deposit tithes and offerings and other funds contributed and/or donated to the Church for specific purpose..
The foundation scripture is "As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God."
--1Peter 4:10NJKV